Hello everyone! I’d like to introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I am Laure Dorchak, your new president of the Wixom Historical Society. I have been a member of the Society for several years, and secretary for the last two. In my spare time, you will find me at flea markets or thrift shops, as I am an avid collector! My home is filled with Munising bowls, Putz sheep, mink pelts, Flemish art boxes, vintage pie tins, cheese boxes, and stoneware. I am sure many of you have favorite collections of your own! I am looking forward to continuing the work of the Society.
Wasn’t it a wonderful summer? WHS began the season by participating in Wixom’s Founder’s Day celebration. This event commemorates our city’s history; it’s a great place to meet and greet people in our community! In June, we hosted our annual Ice Cream Social. It allows us to welcome visitors of all ages to the museum, in a fun way. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make the day run smoothly. Our last get-together for the summer was the picnic in Gilbert Willis Park. We relaxed, ate until we were full, and socialized with friends. Life doesn’t get any better than this!
Your WHS board has been busy. Check out the beautiful gardens surrounding the Wire House Museum and barn. These have been carefully tended to by Sue Grifor, Bertha King, and Nancy Dingeldey throughout the summer. When you visit the library, stop and see our showcase, near the checkout desk. WHS has creatively displayed items of interest, while advertising our programs.
We are now ready to begin the 2014-15 year. Bertha has planned excellent speakers for this year’s meetings. We also are beginning some maintenance work on the Wire House Museum, in keeping with our goal of historic preservation.
I would like to thank Jackie Coulter for her 10 plus years as president of the Wixom Historical Society. I am quickly learning that I have a lot to learn! Jackie will not be missing from our group– she is the new secretary, and has graciously offered to continue producing The Wixom Wire newsletter.
Please join us for our annual Welcome Back Potluck and fall general membership meeting on September 15 at 6:30 p.m. Bring a dish to pass and your appetite! The featured speaker is Bob Sadler. On October 15, at 7 p.m., Randy Hotton from the Yankee Air Museum will be telling us how Detroit saved the world, through the Willow Run Story. I hope to see you there.
Laure Dorchak