Mark your calendar for the Society’s October 20th program “How Detroit Saved the World.” Randy Hotton from the Yankee Air Museum will share the Willow Run story. This is the plant where 40,000 workers from across America came together to build more than 8,600 B-24 Liberator bomber aircraft.
Aircraft production began in 1941, and at its peak during the war years, Willow Run produced B-24 Liberator bombers at the amazing rate of one airplane every hour!
As war production increased at the plant, Americans from the South migrated north, attracted by the high-paying jobs. As more and more men were drafted into combat, women were called on to perform jobs formerly reserved for men. These pioneering women in manufacturing were known collectively as “Rosie the Riveter.” Minority groups that were previously excluded from these coveted jobs were now welcomed…
Join us Monday, October 20, 7:00pm at Wixom City Hall to hear the rest of the story!